Traumatic Injuries

Dislodged Teeth
Injuries to the mouth can cause teeth to be pushed back into their sockets. Your endodontist or general dentist may reposition and stabilize your tooth.

Dislodged Teeth

A severe injury to the mouth is traumatic. It can cause teeth to be slammed into their sockets. An endodontist or a general dentist might be able to reposition and stabilize the teeth dislodged during an accident. The area surrounding the tooth is allowed to recover from the trauma for a week or two before the endodontist administers root canal treatment. They begin by adding a medication, such as calcium hydroxide, inside the tooth. Next, a permanent root canal filling is placed inside.

If the tooth was pushed partially out of the socket, the endodontist or general dentist might be able to reposition and stabilize the tooth or teeth. First, the doctor will check the tooth to see if the pulp is still healthy. If there's no damage, a root canal isn't necessary. However, if the pulp is damaged or an infection is present, endodontic treatment is needed to save the tooth.

Avulsed Teeth

An avulsed tooth is another way of saying it was completely knocked out of your mouth. You may be able to save the tooth if you follow the correct steps. However, you must be treated immediately. If this happens to you, keep the tooth moist. A dry or cold environment can quickly lead a lost tooth down the path towards decay and infection. Keeping it moist and at room temperature will help preserve its health for as long as possible until treatment becomes available.

Keeping your tooth in milk or water with a pinch of salt can help keep it fresh during the root canal process. Your endodontist may start treatment based on how far along the roots are developed, as well as if you left it out for long periods and stored it improperly.

Injuries in children

It's also possible to save an injured immature tooth with the proper care. Here are the two options your endodontist has to treat the injury.


Apexogenesis encourages the root to continue to develop after the pulp heals from the injury. The doctor covers the soft tissue with medication that promotes growth. It leaves the tip of the root or apex to continue to close as your child ages. During this time, the walls of the root canal thicken to offer better protection. When the procedure is successful, no further treatment is needed.


Apexification involves removing the unhealthy tissue from the roots of the tooth. The doctor adds medicine to the root to encourage hard tissue to form near its tip and offers a more substantial barrier for the root canal filling. Unfortunately, the root canal walls won't continue to develop after the procedure. As a result, the tooth will be susceptible to breaks. Restoration is needed following apexification to protect the tooth from further damage.

For more information about traumatic injuries to the mouth or to schedule an appointment, contact our office at 317-846-4980.

big tooth with magnifying glass

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